Earlier this morning (30/8), H. E. Dato’ Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim fulfilled the invitation from University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) to fill the Executive Lecture. It was held in a hybrid format on the 3rd floor, room 322 extension building of University Al-Azhar Indonesia. Welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc., Vice Rectors, supervisors and administrators of Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI Al-Azhar) and UAI officials, His Excellency then joined several other invited guests such as Dr. Ing. H. Ilham Akbar Habibie, Dipl. Ing., M.B.A. (Eldest son Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. H. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, FREng. and Chairman of The International Islamic Forum for Science, Technology and Human Resource Development IIFTIHAR), Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., M.H. (The Governing Board of the Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School Foundation – YPI Al-Azhar), Dr. Hamdan Zoelva, S.H., M.H. (Chairman of the Constitutional Court Period 2013 – 2015) and Dr. Fuad Bawazier (19th Minister of Finance of Indonesia).
Prior to the Executive Lecture, the event was opened with the Recitation of al-Quran al-Karim by Mr. Muhammad Ulwan and a speech by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc., as the Rector of UAI. In accordance with the topic, “Executive Lecture on Islamic Epistemology: The Essence of Integration of Knowledge for Future Society”, He emphasized that UAI has a big concern towards Islamic Epistemology as it plays an important role and as the partner of International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). UAI, which is a founder and initiator of Islamic Epistemology Consortium, has encouraged significant progress on its development. It was founded by six universities formerly and it has about 10 joint universities currently.
Back on track, H. E. Dato’ Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim started his lecture as the essence of this event by citing Samuel P. Huntington’s theory in his book, entitled “The Clash of Civilization”. In his book, Huntington theorizes that people’s cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the post-Cold War world. Therefore, Huntington argues that these two elements must be separated so as not to end up as a source of conflict. His Excellency thought this theory is a concern that should be investigated further especially by the younger generation of Muslim in the Southeast Asia region so that an antithesis can be made. Of course, this is related to the modernization and revival of Muslim in a better direction.
Equally important, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., M.H. spent his time delivering his closing remarks. He highlighted the significant inequality in the awarding of the Nobel Prize. This inequality can be seen from how Muslim scientists from the Southeast Asian region (especially from Malaysia and Indonesia) have yet to become Asian Nobel laureates. His Excellency hopes that later there will be Muslim scientists from Southeast Asia who can become Nobel laureates through the study of modernization and the rise of its people by creating the antithesis of Huntington’s theory.
Before the end of the lecture, it was followed by a placard handover to His Excellency by the Rector of UAI. Meanwhile, His Excellency provided some souvenirs, which was some collection of books, to the Rector of UAI before he left the place for Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
This event was also attended by important figures such as Prof. Dr. Laode Masihu Kamaluddin, MSc. MEng. (Rector of Insan Cita Indonesia University), M. Jafar Hafsah (Guru Besar Universitas Negeri Makassar), Nazaruddin Nasution, SH, MA. (Chairman of the Alumni Corps of the Islamic Student Association), Dr. Endy Muhammad Astiwara (Vice Rector V YARSI University), the Academic Community and UAI students. (FA & TSH)