Tuesday (4/10), University Al-Azhar University (UAI) expanded its partnership by having an agenda of discussion from two representatives of Tampere University from Finland, Niina Nyyssölä (Key Account Manager) and Satia Zen (Ph.D. Student and Researcher). They were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. (the Rector of UAI), Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal (Vice Rector IV for Innovation and Cooperation of UAI), Dr. Drs. Fidesrinur, M.Pd. (Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education), Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M. (Head of Office of International Affairs), Muhammad Fadli, S.E., M.H. (Head of Administrative Services Division, Scholarship, Internship, Mobilization and General Affairs) together with Drs. Nuri Muhammadi, M.M. (Head of Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar).
At the beginning of the event, the Rector of UAI delivered his speech in giving appreciation to Tampere University for their intention to visit UAI and He wishes for the possibility for having collaboration between Tampere University and UAI.
Ms. Nyyssölä, then, presented her presentation as the purpose of the discussion in line with Human Potential Unlimited. Finland is known for its specialty to education reform and Tampere University itself is the second largest university in Finland with more than 26.000 of students, staff, and members today. The new multidisciplinary Tampere University brings together research and education focusing on technology, health, and society. They develop solutions to tackle climate change, preserve the natural environment, and improve the well-being and sustainability of societies.
In actualizing this, Tampere University offered a collaboration in the Mentoring Teacher Education program. This involves pedagogical studies and pre-service guided teaching practice. This will be beneficial to both lecturers and teachers for shaping students to become independent and responsible teachers for their own-self, to learn self-development, to become increasingly proficient in their own subject, to learn how to develop a work community. As demonstrated, Brazil has signed this collaboration with 70 teachers who have participated. It is slowly but surely will bring them to explore human potential unlimited.
Human Potential is Unlimited and We Should Explore Together to Have a More Sustainable World” (Ms. Nyyssölä)
In like manner, Ms. Nyyssölä gave her concern to Indonesia’s Education especially in its pattern and current challenges. This is also the main reason why the representative of Tampere Univeristy came to visit UAI (as we know UAI is a part of Yayasan Pesantren Islam AL-Azhar together with its early childhood education, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and university). She also expressed her interest in knowing how UAI students utilize other platforms regardless of studying only in university. In response to this, the Rector of UAI stated that we have several programs which are designed by Indonesia’s Government. One of which, “Kampus Merdeka”. This program allows students opportunities for developing creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as building independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities. He is pleased that UAI students are on it. Reverting to the main topic, Ms. Nyyssölä’s belief that by knowing this context, especially UAI’s evolution, will be a way to fit the purpose of both parties. As a result, the possibility of having collaboration between Tampere University and UAI hopefully can be actualized in the near time (TSH).