Türkiye has long been Indonesia’s strategic partner, as Türkiye was one of the first nations to recognize Indonesia’s independence and has since forged myriad cooperations. One of which was on 14 November 2022, during the visit of H.E. President Erdoğan to Bali, Indonesia, to establish the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council between both countries. Now, this cooperation has transcended to university cooperation that was represented by the University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) when they hosted Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University delegations on February 20, 2025.
Laying The Foundation

Prof. Naim Demirel, Dean of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, visited the Faculty of Law of UAI in the faculty room on the 3rd floor of UAI. He was received by the Dean of Law, Dr. Yusup Hidayat, S.Ag., M.H., Vice Dean of Law, Akhmad Safik, S.E., M.H., LL.M., Head of Law Master Program, Dr. Fokky Fuad, S.H., M.Hum. and Head of International Affairs Section, Muchammad Nasucha, S.S., M.Sc. Respective parties began the discussion by appreciating Prof. Naim that have allocated his time to visit UAI.
Then, Prof. Naim called for both countries to learn from each other in the spectrum of law and suggested a robust cooperation between UAI and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University.
Indonesia and Turkey are brothers who need to learn from one another to advance our understanding of legal practice and law understanding. To that end, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University would like for us to sign an MoU that continues with an MoA signing. The MoA will enshrine a Summer School program wherein my university will sponsor 15 UAI students to study in our Law department. Then, we can move on to a scholarship for a bachelor’s program for your students.
Afterwards, Mr. Nasucha suggested another program to be pursued as well.
Visiting lectures between UAI and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University will further enhance the relationship between the respective institutions and solidify the legal foundation of the students.
Then, the discussion touched upon the modalities of an MoU signing that will mark the first concrete step of collaboration between both parties.

With the exploration of collaboration reached its end, the agenda concluded with a gup photo. The collaboration conceived between both parties has tremendous possibility to strengthen the minds of the students, broaden its horizon on legal practice, reasoning, and critical thinking. It will also encourage an exchange of perspectives and approaches between Indonesia and Türkiye in the spectrum of law. Aamiin (BR)