With the Director of The Office of International Affairs and Director of Learning Innovation Center Chulalongkorn University
On July 10, Dr. Hidayat, Director of UAI International Affairs, visited Director of the Office of International Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dusdeporn Chumnirokasant, and Director of the Learning Innovation Center, Ms. Prapaipis Mongkolratana, both of the Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand.
The meeting discussed many aspects of international office and potential colaborations between the two universities including invitation to faculty members and students of Chulalongkorn University (CU) to participate in the up-coming International Seminar on Green Technology at UAI. Other areas of cooperations such as academic exhange programs and research collaboration were also discussed.
During the meeting, Ms. Prapaipis Mongkolratana gave an excellent presentation about the Learning Innovation Center (LIC). LIC is a unit of the Office of Academic Affair, with three major duties: 1. the development of lecturers for better teaching innovation; 2. The development of learning innovation with digital media; and 3) the development of lifelong learning innovation. To reach these goals, the LIC regularly organizes activities to develop lecturers through various workshops every month. All the presentations and download materials during the sessions in each workshop can be viewed though electronic media by participants at the CU.
Chulalongkorn University is the oldest university in Thailand, established in 1917, currently among the top five Best Asian Universities, according to QS-Asian University 2011ranking. It consists of a total of 42 faculties, departments, colleges, academic, research, and service institutes, and academic offices, with 40,505 students . For international communities, Cholalongkorn University offers 13 undergraduate programs and 74 graduate programs. For further information, you may contact me at dian.maitesa@uai.ac.id or visit their website www.inter.chula.ac.th