Higher education has long served as an institution that cultivated the necessary skills and capacity for students to succeed in their careers. Nevertheless, with myriad challenges offered by the ever-interconnected world such as international workforce competition, a question arises “What type of teachings are best suited to prepare the students?” which University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) and its partner attempt to answer.
International Seminar as an Answer

UAI organized an international seminar “Cultivating Higher Education Through Character, Inclusivity & Internationalization” that was held in room 317C, UAI building on December 4, 2024. UAI invited Melody Publishing, Taiwan, the delegation was led by Lee, the President, and Cindy Yin-Chih Lee, M.A. as the General Manager attended in person. Prof. Yinghuei Chen, PhD, Chair Professor in English Language & Literature, Asia University Taiwan, also accompanied the delegations of Melody. Whilst Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand, and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia joined through Microsoft Teams.
UAI students flocked to the room, whilst the Microsoft Teams room for the seminar was filled with more than 100 students. As the room started brimming with curiosity, the MC, Safaa Sabika from the Psychology Study Program of UAI, opened the seminar. The seminar started with a Holy Qur’an recital, then followed by a sing-along of Indonesia Raya and Mars UAI where every participant stood up and sang.

Opening Remarks From Respective Leaders

Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc, Rector of UAI, highlighted the importance of character in nurturing students in learning language and how UAI is the proper place for students to learn more about character.
Recently, UAI has been awarded the “Excellent” predicate, the highest predicate given to higher education institutions in Indonesia and it would be the best place to develop your character that will help you succeed in an international environment.
Afterwards, Prof. Chen echoed Prof. Asep remarks.

For Indonesian students who wish to develop their character, UAI would be the best choice. With its excellent predicate and outstanding faculties, it provides unparalleled opportunities for personal and academic growth. These achievements stand as a testament to the visionary and capable leadership of Prof. Asep.
With the remarks stated by respective leaders, the photo session for the Implementation Agreement (IA) commenced.
Implementation Agreement Photo Session

To commemorate the seminar, UAI and its partners signed an IA and took a picture of it. The IA between the English Language and Culture Department, the Informatics Department, the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Department, the Islamic Education Department, the Psychology Department, the Early Childhood Education Department (PGPAUD), and the Master Program of Educational Psychology (S2) of UAI and Melody Publishing that President Lee and Cindy represented.
The IA between the Informatics Department, Islamic Guidance and Counseling Department, Islamic Education Department, Psychology Department, Early Childhood Education Department (PGPAUD), and the Master Program of Educational Psychology (S2) of UAI with Asia University and PSU. Asia University was represented by Prof. Chen, and PSU was represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammadafeefee Assalihee, Ph.D., Associate Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Science of Demonstration School Faculty of Islamic Science of PSU, while Prof. Asep and Ir. Hidayat Yorianta Sasaerila, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology represented UAI.
Then, the session was closed with a group photo that carried us to the main event.

International Seminar Session

The International Seminar session commenced with Cindy delivering her material wherein she underlined how English role as lingua franca.

With 1.5 billion people in 94 countries speaking English, people now must master English to be able to connect with people all around the world. The best time to teach English or other global language is from the age of 3 until 7 years old, at this age they will swiftly understand and master a foreign language.

Afterward, Dr Wan Zumusni Wan Mustapha, Senior Lecturer of Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM) Negeri Sembilan represented her presentation on “Shaping Minds and Hearts: The Impact of Character and Language from the Start”. She conveyed what is character-based education and how it can help us in the future.
Character-based education means instilling values such as empathy, and resilience, and building character development along with language learning as a strong foundation for children’s overall growth. I taught them to do housework, took them to the mosque, and exposed them to reading materials either the Qur’an or books that will increase their adaptability, motoric skills, and critical thinking.

After Dr. Wan finished her presentation, Prof. Afeefee delivered his presentation on “Character-Based Education From Experiences” where he touched upon character-based education from Islamic perspectives.
In the context of the Islamic perspective, the development of the whole person (intellectual, spiritual, moral, and physical), the development of akhlaq (moral character) as emphasized in Islamic teachings, integration of knowledge (ilm) with moral development. As stated in Al-Qalam 68:4, “And indeed, you are of a great moral character”.

Then, Faisal Sundani Kamaludin, Lc., M.ED., Ph.D, Head of the Educational Psychology Master Program of UAI conveyed his material on “Islamic Principles in Inclusive Education” where he expounded on one of the key Islamic principles in inclusive education.
One of the first commandments Allah SWT gave to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is to read/learn. This established the principle for inclusive education in Islamic teaching is deeply rooted in the universality of knowledge. The Qur’an highlighted it “Read in the name of your Lord who created” (QS 96:1), which means learning is an obligation for all, transcending barriers of ability, gender, or social class.

Next, Andi Arniaty Arsyad, Ph.D., Associate Lecturer, Informatics Department of UAI impart her presentation on “Experimental Lab for Education on Metaverse”, where she explored how metaverse or other simulation is encouraging students to actively learn.
As an open-source/inclusive platform for building a Metaverse environment, with OpenSim Second Life, lecturers can create scenarios that would challenge students to make a decision that would shape their character development. Furthermore, it enabled students to actively engage, experiment, and solve simulated problems in a simulated environment.
As Arniaty closed her presentation, the moderator closed the curtain of the seminar with a hope for a renewed spirit and rejuvenated methods in cultivating higher education that would serve as a vanguard that usher in a principled, adaptive, inclusive, and competitive generation of Indonesia students that will succeed in facing international challenges. (BR)