Friday (18/11), Rector of University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) (Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc.), Vice Rector IV for Innovation and Cooperation (Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal), Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Dr. Kuncoro Hadi, S.T., M.Si.), Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education (Dr. Drs. Fidesrinur, M.Pd.), Dean of Faculty of Law, Head of Office of International Affairs (Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M.), Head of the Division of Academic, Research, and Industrial Cooperation (Muchammad Nasucha, S.S., M.Si.), and Head of Subsection Directorate of Curriculum and Learning (Faisal Sundani Kamaludin, Lc., M.Ed., Ph.D.), together with Ketua Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Muhammadiyah (PCIM) Malaysia (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda) gathered in Concorde Hotel Bukit Bintang to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
On the occurrence, the MoU itself was signed by Prof. Asep and Prof. Sonny. The MoU that involved in any appropriate academic field such as education, research, and community service at either institution. During the discussion, all the delegates gave their concern in advancing community service. It has lots of benefits for students as UAI has a mission to develop excellent and dignified people, who have intellectual capability, based on Islamic spiritual, moral, and ethical values. Meanwhile, PCIM is engaged as an Islamic da’wah and social movement, the collaboration between both parties will achieve their objectives.
Community services enable students to not only gain experiences and skills required for the professional, but also to raise their social awareness based on Islamic values”, Prof Asep expressed.
As UAI’s culture, Prof. Asep presented a book, Integrasi Ilmu & Islam, to Prof. Sonny. The book which was written by Prof. Dr. Ir. H. A. M. Saefuddin and Drs. Yuddy Ardhi and published by the Indonesian Islamic Da’wah Council in collaboration with the Al-Fathonah Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon. Prof. Asep explained that the book brings the vision that Islam and science cannot be separated. The Islamization of Science as the answer to counteract the erroneous understanding of Western science which is very secular.
In response to this, Prof. Sonny also handed over two books, Internasionalisasi Muhammadiyah by Dr. phil. Ridho Al-Hamdi, MA, Irvan Mawardi, Neni Nur Hayati, Moh. Mudzakkir, S.Sos., M.A., Ph.D and Santri Mengaji Pandemi: Refleksi, Mengaji, dan Aksi by Prof. Sonny himself as the writer along with Ms. Efa Latifah and Yanuardi Syukur, to Prof. Asep. They also exchanged souvenirs with each other. Conclusively, this event will open up other possible collaborations with PCIM to socialize the integration of Islam in our academic field.