University Al Azhar of Indonesia (UAI) and Beijing University of Chemical of Technology (BUCT) held Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony on January 11, 2021 to formalize cooperation and relationship between each university. Even though currently the world is plagued by Covid-19 Pandemic, it did not waver UAI and BUCT to knit their ties through MoU signing.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. as the Rector of UAI and Professor Tan Tianwei as the President of BUCT signed the MoU as respective university leaders. At the same time, Vice Rectors, Deans and related Directors of UAI, also Director General Manager and Regional Manager of China National Chemical Engineering Group thoroughly participated in this eventful moment.
The event commenced with screening of BUCT video profile, continued with opening remarks from respective university Rector or President, whereas both felt honoured, appreciated respective volition to take part in establishing official collaboration and hoped that this cooperation will last for a long time.
Then, Mr. Bao Guangdong as Director General Manager of China National Chemical Engineering Group introduced and conveyed the industrial development and prospect of Indonesia and China in chemical industry. Following introduction by Mr. Bao Guangdong, the MoU signing was carried out.
The MoU encompassed future collaboration that will be undertaked by UAI and BUCT, the cooperation program will covered education, research and community service spectrum. The programs hoped to be realized consist of double degree program, 2+2 summer school, exchange students, scholarships for graduate and post-graduate, internship, training program, joint research and lecture.
The MoU signing ceremony officialy ends with MoU signing and after group photo was taken. The MoU signing signalled UAI and BUCT determination to advance their education quality to mold outstanding Indonesia and China future generations.

-Bagus Ramadhan-