The official application of IISMA 2023 has officially opened from February 8, 2023 until March 1, 2023 via In regards to encouraging all the students of UAI who would like to take the opportunity to study abroad, the Office of International Affairs of UAI presented IISMA 2023 Socialization. The event, which was held in the Serbaguna Room, 2nd floor of UAI, was attended by Dr. Zirmansyah, M.Pd. (Vice Rector I for Academics), Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal (Vice Rector IV for Innovation and Cooperation), All the Dean and Vice Dean, the Head of Programs study as well as the civitas of UAI.

In the first agenda, Dr. Zirmansyah, M.Pd. gave an opening remark to represent the rector of UAI who was not able to attend the event. He said that the rector is really appreciative to the students who have followed this journey to participate in IISMA 2023 maximally. In 2021, UAI has successfully sent two students as the awardees in Latvia and Ireland. This will be a lesson learned for UAI to be the foundation for this year’s IIMSA application. The candidates must be careful in choosing their host universities since in 2022 many of UAI’s students failed because they did not analyse the suitable universities for themselves. Therefore, it is very important to align the candidate’s purpose with the host universities that are provided. He also thanked the Office of International, “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” Independent Technical Implementation Unit, All Faculties and Departments who have encouraged the students to participate in IISMA.

Equally Important, Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal also added some words to encourage the students who will participate in IISMA 2023. Although last year the chance of each candidate was 1:8, with a thorough preparation, he believed everything will be possible for this year. He also said that everyone needs to make sure that every administration has been fulfilled since there will only two weeks left before the application will close.

Akhmad Safik, S.E., M.H. also shared his insight as a candidate of IISMA 2023. He said that it is such a good foundation for those who are brave enough to participate. If they are selected to be the awardee it will help them to broaden their network for master degree scholarship as well as doctorate program in the future. Afterwards, he mentioned that everyone needs to think out of the box and learns to be different from others. He gave an example from his experience that he has a degree from Economics for his bachelor’s degree, then he explained that he would like to pursue master in law to see the perspective of economics from Law. That was how he got the opportunity.

Spending her time to cheer up the participants for IISMA 2023 from UAI, Keiko Annisa Arfananda stated that she knew that everyone has given their best to maximize their effort. Now, it is time for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to do the rest. She also reminded them to not forget to take the English Provision because there are only several days left. It is better to have Duolingo instead of the others.

As the events have come to an end, Office of International of UAI thanked everyone who has been involved during this preparation program for IISMA 2023 and hopefully all the participants from UAI can be selected as awardee of one.