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On Monday, 9 October 2017, Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) carve a new history in the journey raised by the superiority of the rabban in its years of standing since 2000. Attended by the third President of  Republic of Indonesia to Mr. Prof. Dr. Ing. Baharudin Jusuf Habibie and Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshidqie as chairman of the Al Azhar Islamic Foundation (YPI Al-Azhar). The inauguration ceremony of the new rector as well as the handover of office from the old rector to the new rector was held solemnly.

Inaugurated by prof. Dr. Jimly Asshidqie on Monday, October 9, 2017 at Arifin Diponegoro Auditorium, Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefudin officially became the 4th Rector of the University of Al-zhar Indonesia for the term 2017-2021. At this fairly mature stage, UAI continues to develop for the wider community environment, creating an innovative and creative generation for a better future life. Unceasingly, vision and mission of UAI as An Enterprising University, Prof. Dr. Ir.Asep Saefudin believes that we must certainly apply GUG (Good University Governance), tridharma entrepreneurship, quadruple-helix, while maintaining the noble values ​​of Islam and Pancasila. With the spirit of bringing Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia as a talent pool, where students are full of talents, creativities, innovations, hardworks, opened minds, eager, share of knowledge and cooperative in work, which he believes those are indispensable in building a future economy that comes with digital power and ICT (Information Communication Technologi).

“We will make Al Azhar a center of civilization and ideas for the benefit of humanity and the environment. The international and national cooperation have to continue and we will prepare better for students and faculty mobilization to be able to go to various countries.”. Dr. Ir. Asep Saepudin M.Sc., currently a new rector of Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia said.

17 years ago UAI was built with the spirit of the pioneers in the hope of becoming a forum for da’wah and the development of a qualified science. Also to become a central quality of education that students can compete on a national and international scale. Al Azhar Islamic Foundation (YPI Al Azhar) has been creating Islamic education that moves in accordance with the guidance of the Qur’an and hadith for 65 years. Likewise when UAI was under the leadership of Dr. Ir. Ahmad Lubis M.Sc, he has led UAI to become the flagship campus in the national and international arena, realizing enterprising university. Implementing the seven basic elements of UAI, this campus has simultaneously become one of the excellent universities. In order to develop the Rector of UAI period 2015-2017 in the future, UAI as Enterprising University hopes to continue growing and able to contribute to the improvement and development of the country’s economy and people’s welfare.

Closed by prof. Dr. Jimly Asshidqie, there is a great hope that UAI in the hands of the new rector can play a deeper role in encouraging more innovation and research in which both forces that deliver the success of a university, and believe that  UAI will be able to stand stronger to continue in the progress of the better Indonesia and its people.

By his transfer of leadership, Dr. Ir. Asep Saepudin M.Sc. is believed to make UAI as a Leading University in Forming Superior and Dignified Human Beings, Who Have Intellectual Ability Based on Spiritual Values, Moral, and Islamic Ethics.

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