On December 22, 2020 University Al Azhar of Indonesia (UAI) and International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) arranged joint virtual lecture with the theme, “Law and Economic Development”. This joint virtual was the first joint lecture in joint lecture series collaborated between UAI and IIUM. The joint virtual lecture was participated by Vice Rectors, Deans and Director of Cooperation of UAI and lecturers from UAI and IIUM as well as students from UAI and IIUM.
Dr. Wan Zulhafiz Wan Zahari, Deputy Legal Adviser, Office of The Legal Adviser from IIUM and Akhmad Safik, S.E., M.H., LLM, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law of UAI were the keynote speakers of the joint virtual lecture. Dr. Wan touched the subject on ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and evaluating ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) in 2025.
Furthermore Dr. Wan elaborated on APAEC current issues and challenges, such as Covid-19 pandemic and industrial revolution 4.0, regardless Covid-19 pandemic have caused the most severe impact as it caused multiple shocks to global economy and energy market. Countries that implemented full lockdown experienced an average 25% decline in energy demand.
Mr. Akhmad Safik, M.H., LLM, in turn elucidated the role of law and institution in economic development, with the study case, enactment of Job Creation Law by Indonesia government. He summarized that Job Creation Law did not addresed the very basic challenges of institutional issues notably in natural resource management and Indonesia government should incorporate institutional issues in developing regulations implementations of the law to avoid any impediments and potential issues in its implementation.
The joint virtual lecture come to an end after QnA session and group photo taken, this joint virtual lecture beckoned an indomitable will from UAI and IIUM to forged their ties together in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic in order to increase each universities education quality.
-Bagus Ramadhan-