In a bid to socialize the importance of Islamic Studies nowadays, The Faculty of Islamic Sciences of Prince of Songkla University (PSU) and The Faculty of Psychology and Education of University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) on Saturday (29/10).

The agenda, which took place in the Rector of UAI’s office, was attended by Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammadroflee Waehama (Dean of Faculty of Islamic Sciences of PSU); Asst. Prof. Dr. Yuttana Kuakul Ph.D. (Lecturer of Faculty of Islamic Sciences of PSU); Dr. Niabadee Ming Ph.D. (Lecturer of Faculty of Islamic Sciences); and Asst. Prof. Dr. Rusdee Taher (Director of The Arabic Language, Proficiency Test, and Skill Development Center of PSU).
They were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc. as The Rector of UAI himself; Dr. Ir. Ade Jamal (Vice Rector IV for Innovation and Cooperation); Dr. Drs. Fidesrinur, M.Pd. (Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education of UAI); Drs. Murni Djamal, M.A. (Head of the Center for the Study of the Application of Ethics and Islamic Values) together with other related officers from UAI on hybrid.

“UAI is still determined to augment its faculty’s majoring quality in its bid for internationalization and we are so honored to have the collaboration with the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of PSU. Having the opportunity to socialize the integration of knowledge can bring to the emergence of new modern knowledge in line with Islam,” The Rector of UAI expressed in the opening remarks.

Islam gives a lot of inspiration in science; we need to apply” (Prof. Asep)
The next speech was from the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of PSU. He explained that his faculty is the centre of Islamic Studies where Arabic, Islamic theology and Shari’ah subjects are provided. As a campus with a multicultural society, the place of diverse cultures and traditions, and rich in resources, producing graduates who are intelligent and intellectual yet have the Islamic foundation and understanding are the obligation to all Muslim.

Added some words, Dr. Drs. Fidesrinur, M.Pd. stated that the cooperation might be started with a joint research between the lecturers. He believed that analyzing the Islamic Studies between Indonesia and Thailand ‘s culture must be taken to our account. As the two faculties shared aligned objectives through the program of exchange of scientific and didactic researchers to conduct scientific research and to participate in scientific conferences, this collaboration is expected as the gate to renowned the excellence of both educations internationally that are based on Islamic values and innovations

After the placard hand-over, Prof. Asep presented a book, Tafsir al-Azhar by Buya HAMKA, to Asst. Prof. Muhammadroflee. The book itself has a special place to himself. As written, Tafsir al-Azhar focuses on explaining the verses of the Qur’an with careful expression and it is expressed beautifully. Hereafter, what makes it more interesting Buya HAMKA also discussed the historical, social, and cultural issues in Indonesia. He demonstrated the breadth of knowledge with emphasizing a thorough understanding of the verse by citing previous Ulama’s interpretation and the dialogue between the text of the Qur’an and the condition of Muslims when Tafsir al-Azhar was written (TSH).