Taiwan and Indonesia have a profound and collaborative ties, with education being one of the pivot of this cooperation. As reported by The Diplomat, as of 2018, there are 11,812 Indonesian students in Taiwan as a result of Taiwan offering scholarships for Indonesians to study in Taiwan and to learn Mandarin Chinese since 2004. The cordial relations are also shown through its education institutions, University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) possesed integral cooperation with Taiwan. Such as collaboration with Taiwan Education Center (TEC) as the official representatives of Ministry of Education (MoE) of Taiwan and Education Division of Economic and Trade Office (TETO).

TEC and UAI have conducted Sharing Session on Taiwan Scholarship dan Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program 2020 in room 317 A & B of UAI. The 2022 sharing session between UAI and TEC is the continuation of cooperation between both parties, the 2022 session was held on February 17, 2022. The event was attended by Rector of UAI, Deans and Head of Study Program of UAI as for this event, Civitas Academica of UAI were invited. The sharing session was moderated by, Mr. Muchammad Nasucha, SS., M.Si as the Head of Academic and Industrial Division of KUI UAI.

From TEC side, Ms. Tirta Amerta Effendi, M.Sc. as the Regional Manager of TEC Jakarta was the keynote speaker alongside Ms. Lia Citania as the Assistant Manager of TEC and R. Mokhamad Luthfi, M.Si. as International Relations Lecturer of UAI whom received scholarships from Taiwan and currently studying in National Chengchi University for his PhD. The sharing session commenced with an opening by Mr. Nasucha as the moderator and opening remarks by Rector of UAI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc.

Prof. Asep stated the history of cooperations between UAI and Taiwan have been very prevalent and concrete, wherein UAI have collaboration projects with National Taipei University, Asia University Taiwan and TEC. Thus, we are glad that we maintain this harmonius relations and hopefully, there are myriad UAI students that are able to study in Taiwan via Taiwan Scholarship. Afterwards, Ms. Tirta and Ms. Lia conveyed their presentation on scholarship information to study in Taiwan.

Both pointed out, the benefit of studying in Taiwan, Taiwan scholarship requirements and procedure, followed with fascinating facts about Taiwan. Next, Mr. Luthfi elaborated his experience pursuing education in Taiwan, he remarked that his learning experiences in Taiwan have been a delightful and invaluable. Especially considering that Taiwan is the best country in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore, i always felt safe and sound.

Subsequently, QnA session was carried out by the moderator, Mr. Nasucha, then the sharing session was closed with a photo session of all participants. With the sharing session concluded, hopefully, it will encourage UAI civitas academica to study in Taiwan and fostered a more amiable and productive relations between UAI and Taiwan.

-Bagus Ramadhan-