In terms of IISMA 2023’s application is just open today on Wednesday, 8th of February 2023, the Office of International Affairs of University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) held the section for its candidates in the provision of Kebhinekaan Test by Dr. Fokky Fuad, S.H., M.Hum (The Head of Master Degree of Law Department and National Insight Trainer). The section has the purpose to increase the candidate’s spirit of nationalism especially in understanding the concept of acceptance of diversity in the motto of Kebhinekaan as Indonesian. As known, it is one of the requirements for them to pass as the future awardees will be the ambassador for Indonesia in their chosen university internationally. Following this case, everyone needs to maximize their knowledge about it.

Dr. Fokky defined the act of defence of the country. It can be found in many forms such as being an athlete, supporter at the world cup, even joining at international competition and programs such as scholarship and IISMA awardee. These indicate that intelligence, skills, talents are the contribution to the act of defence of the country. Moreover, as the country’s citizen it is important to bring an individual’s value, but do not forget to embrace the value of Indonesia as well. People from different countries will judge someone based on where they come from and it will be the benchmark for them to value a country.

Dr. Fokky elaborated on Indonesia as a diverse country. Indonesia has more than 1,340 recognised ethnic groups, beliefs, cultures, languages, and so forth. This is such living proof that Indonesians can be adaptable people wherever they are. Most Indonesians are living in faith and having their Integrity, but they are taught to appreciate every human being on earth. It is not about differences, but how far everyone can accept the difference will be the foundation to be given a chance to live in other countries as an Indonesian who has the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.  

Accordingly, all the candidates of UAI for IISMA 2023 have gained new insight to boost their spirit as Indonesian. They also have known the meaning of Kebhinekaan is not about diversity but how everyone respects it will be the crucial aspect to live abroad.  (TSH)