14 years of cordial relations between University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) and Embassy of Pakistan Jakarta have begets myriad collaborations, namely, Call for Essay on Kashmir, seminars and the establishment of Pakistan Corner and Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal Room in 2021. On July 18, 2022, Ambassador of Embassy of Pakistan Jakarta, His Excellency Muhammad Hassan visited UAI to observe Pakistan Corner that was located inside UAI Library in ground floor and Sir Iqbal Room that was located in 4th floor, along with symbolically giving books to both centers.
H.E. Muhammad Hassan was accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Faisal Fayyaz as the Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of Pakistan Jakarta and Ms. Masooma Bushra Ali as the First Secretary of Embassy of Pakistan Jakarta. Rector of UAI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc., Vice Rectors, Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, Ir. Hidayat Yorianta Sasaerila, M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of Office of International Affairs, Mohamad Ghozali Moenawar, Lc., M.M. and other UAI Officials were also in attendance.
The visit commenced with guests from the Embassy welcomed in the Rector’s Room to deliberate on collaboration prospects, wherein H.E. Muhammad Hassan elucidated that he will help facilitate UAI to collaborate with Pakistan universities, such as International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI), University of Karachi, University of the Punjab. The cooperation will be in the scope of scholarship awarding, exchange program and research collaboration.
Futhermore, Mr. Ambassador would like UAI to conduct collaboration project with COMSTECH (Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) in which His Excellency will help bridged the collaboration. After the discussion come to an end, His Excellency visited the Sir Iqbal Room and Pakistan Corner. In the Sir Iqbal Room, Mr. Ambassador was welcomed by Faculty of Social and Political Science of UAI Officials.
They were Yoedo Shambodo, S.Sos., M.Si., Vice Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science, Syafiuddin Fadlillah, B.A., M.Si., Head of Study Program of International Relations and Rizal Adhitya Hidayat, M.Si., Head of International Relations Lab. In this visit, Faculty of Social and Political Science of UAI Officials and His Excellency discussed further grant that can be presented to Sir Iqbal Room. Whilst, in the Pakistan Corner, His Excellency symbolically giving books to UAI.
In turn, UAI awarded His Excellency and the guests from Pakistan Embassy with a souvenir, then, the visit was concluded with a visit to Nutrition Study Program event, HARVEST (Halal Nutrition Al-Azhar Festival) and a testimony of Mr. Ambassador on visiting UAI. The visit of H.E. Muhammad Hassan marked how strategic and imperative the ties bonds between both parties and that both sides cherished the bonds they have weaved. (BR)