Indonesia and Pakistan have shared a rich, profound and robust camaraderie that have lasted before the dawn of Indonesia independence. The camaraderie encompassed wide array of facets, one of them is education, that have been a forefront focus of both countries. In August 20, 2024, University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI), Quaid-I-Azam university (QAU) and The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Jakarta have displayed a determined commitment to strengthen Indonesia and Pakistan education, research and community service by jointly organizing an international webinar, “The Ambassador Foresight Talk”.

Carrying the theme of Strengthening Pakistan Indonesia cooperation in implementing the Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service of Higher Education, respective leaders of UAI, QAU and The Embassy of Pakistan attended the event along with UAI lecturers and students to witnessed the historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing between UAI and QAU. In this agreement that was held in CIMB Niaga room (2nd floor of UAI) and virtually, enabled The Faculty of Social and Political Science of both university to collaborate in the future. The event continue with Prof. Dr. H. Husnan Bey Fananie, MA, a former Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Azerbaijan, become a moderator for the webinar where he facilitated a thought provoking solution on how to cultivate Pakistan and Indonesia education cooperation.

Opening Remarks From UAI Leaders

Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc, Rector of UAI, opened the event by remarking the importance in preserving Islamic brotherhood between both countries and our identity to further emboldened the bond between Indonesia and Pakistan.

In order to strengthen our education collaboration and relation, Indonesian and Pakistanis need to be proud by our nationality and identity that is a country that bridged by Islamic Brotherhood to create a madani society. By then, UAI and QUA, Indonesia and Pakistan will developed as a great educator, research and community service institutions.

Afterwards, the Dean of Faculty of Political and Social Science of UAI, Dr. Heri Herdiawanto, S.Pd., M.Si who will spearheaded the collaboration between UAI and QUA faculties, echoed Prof. Asep belief.

The collaboration between UAI and QUA will strategically shape and guide future academic and research collaborations. With the support of the Embassy of Pakistan, I believe the commitment to academic and cultural exchange will grow.

After UAI leaders state their intention for the collaboration, the time for the MoU signing is in full motion.

MoU Signing Between UAI and QAU

The MoU signing was conducted by Prof. Asep, representing UAI, whilst QUA side was represented by Dr. Salma Malik, Associate Professor of Defense and Strategic Studies Department for QUA. At the same time, Mr. Sibtain Afzaal, Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of Pakistan solemnly watch over the signing as the ties between Indonesia and Pakistan now runs deeper. After the signing, Prof. Asep gifted digital placard to Dr. Salma Malik and souvenir to Mr. Sibtain in which Mr. Sibtain corresponded with his own to Prof. Asep.

The digital placard handover ushered the agenda to its main event.

Ambassador Foresight Talk

The event reached its zenith when Prof. Husnan opened the Ambassador Foresight talk with his and UAI eagerness to welcome Pakistani students with open arms for them to continue their learning in UAI or wanted to experience cultural exchange.

Mr. Sibtain further steeled Prof. Asep and Husnan resolve by stating the huge influx of Pakistani students in Indonesia and vice versa. To emboldened this solid bond both countries experienced, Mr. Sibtain propose a grand idea.

Currently, more than 150.000 Pakistani students study in Indonesia and 270.000 Indonesian students study in Pakistan, we are helping each other to elevate our education practice, research and community service. Nevertheless, we can explore further opportunities such as UAI graduate can intern in our Embassy, I believe this will be a crucial milestone.

In her presentation, Dr. Salma hoped the MoU that was signed by both universities will be a beginning of a strong and concrete collaboration, as she believe the passion and heart in realizing this opportunity will yield positive results. As for student exchange prospects, QAU will gladly hosted UAI students who wanted to study here.

The webinar sparked a passionate questions from the audience on what Muslim countries have to do to reclaim its glory days as the west and now China have enjoyed the throne for the past century. Both Dr. Salma and Mr. Sibtain wisely elaborate the state of how the west and China is where they are and why we are at we are now is because their endless quest and strive of excellence in education, research and innovation. In that regard, it is up to us to pick ourselves up, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW advice on the need for study from the day we born until the day we return to Allah SWT.

As the curtain come to a close, the Ambassador foresight talk has steadfastly adhere the purpose of not only the Tri Dharma of higher education, but Prophet Muhammad SAW advice to study. Indonesia and Pakistan root have become more sturdy, especially in the education, research and community service spectrum. Nevertheless, it needed to be watered and cultivated by the future generation of both countries that strive for excellence in education, research and innovation. That is why this MoU will certainly paved and eased the way, Insyaallah. (BR)