As stated in the Vision and Mission of University of Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI), UAI was committed to creating students to become noble and dignified, as well as having intellectual abilities based on Islamic Spiritual, Moral, and Ethics values. One of the efforts to realize this Vision and Mission is specifically at students through the provision of scholarships in the form of educational funding assistance for students who are poor and affected by COVID-19 through the Nusantara Corporate Scholarship Program (Beasiswa Korporat Nusantara) .

The Nusantara Corporate Scholarship Program is an educational assistance program given to the new best students of UAI with economically disadvantaged by involving partners in each Study Programs at UAI for 8 semesters or 48 months. This event was held to give appreciation to Nusantara Corporate Scholarship Partners as a form of concern for students at UAI, especially to the Forum of Alumni Science and Technology-Electrical Engineering (FASTEL). This event was held on Monday, 22th of November 2021, to give appreciation for Nusantara Corporate Scholarship Partners as a form of concern for students at the University of Al-Azhar Indonesia.

In its development, UAI Alumni participation has included three alumni associations are Forum of Alumni Science and Technology-Electrical Engineering (FASTEL), Alumni of Informatics (ALIF), and Keluarga Alumni Teknik Industri (KATIA) since 2018. The Rector hopes that Alumni Scholarship Program would become the next chain of kindness.

-Ezty Alifya-