Friday (9/2), Muhammad Faathir Ar Rahman a student from Informatics Department 2022 of Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI) has left Jakarta for Latvia to involve his participation in Student Mobility Program Spring 2024 at Daugavpils University (DU) Latvia. After fulfilling all the needed requirements since November 2023 from obtaining the visa, choosing his tailored courses, to get his Letter of Acceptance (LoA). He was awarded by Erasmus+ to receive a fully funded scholarship during his study in DU for the whole semester. As a part of the continued collaboration between UAI, DU, and Erasmus+, this opportunity is expected to give him experience of the diverse culture not only academic, but also non-academic. UAI really hopes that the cooperation of the universities will be mutually beneficial and fruitful for both parties in the future.
In the same way, Faathir will join at the Informatics and Technology Department during his study in DU by specializing in several courses such as Object-Oriented Programming, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Data-Bases II, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Technical Graphics, LINUX Network Administration, Data Processing II, and Java Programming I. Besides, he also will maximize his chance to learn about the Latvian Language for Erasmus+ Students which will be beneficial for enriching himself while gaining new skills.

On top of that, Faathir also met the Rector of UAI, Prof. Dr. Asep Saefuddin, M.Sc., before his departure. Prof. Asep wished him the best of luck and all the adventure in this new chapter of his life overseas. He also added that he needs to study hard and do not forget to have fun as well. As the new ambassador for UAI to DU and Erasmus+, he hopes that he can maximise the opportunity to represent not only our university, but also our beloved nation, Indonesia, in the midst of Latvian people. Hence, he believes that this will be once in a lifetime experience that can be the foundation to him to reach his dream in the future.
As the symbol of his beginning of study, Faathir together with some Indonesian representatives from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) presented a presentation about Indonesia at DU on their first day of school. Introducing Indonesia, they highlighted about its geography, population, language, and tourist destination. Afterwards, they also promoted from Indonesia’s tradition such as Wayang, Batik, and Angklung to Culture such as Triple S (Greet, Greeting, and Smile), Debus (Attraction), and Merarik (Cultural Marriage).
Faathir also introduced UAI to all the participants. Emphasizing on its value, He explained that it is a noble place to nurture good spirit and harmony among the younger generation and build their competencies, leadership, managerial skills, entrepreneurial mind-set, collaborations, and universal Islamic values as social capital to enlighten and revitalize human civilization. UAI is very open for all collaborations in academic, research, community service, and etc.
Finally, not only Indonesia, but also 11 different countries including Albania, Belgium, Cape Verde, Germany, Georgia, Italy, Lesotho, Philippines, Tajikistan, Turkey and Slovakia have come to DU to study this Spring semester as part of Erasmus+. UAI is more than proud to take part in this life-change opportunity to give experience for our future leaders. (TSH)